Tuesday 25 October 2011

*** Deepa Deewali ***

Wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous Deepawali !!!

"Deepa" means a lamp and "avali" means a row. Deepawali @ Deepavali literally means a row of lights.

We normally think that Deepawali is about a lamplight, a deepa. In fact, Deepawali is not about a 

single deepa, it is about many.

[Images are fetched from web]

Saturday 27 August 2011

Vow!!! Kids n Sarees

Saree gets beautiful....when it wore by kids.....

[Images are fetched from web]

Monday 22 August 2011

<<< Colored Accessories >>>

colored accessories which are impressed me a lot ....

[Images are fetched from web]

Monday 27 June 2011

*^* South Indian Classical Dance *^* Bharata Natyam *^*

Bharatanatyam, according to Balasaraswati, is a variety of natya yoga that reveals the spiritual through the physical and emotional body. It is the most popular of the Indian classical dance forms in South India, and the most ancient of all the classical Indian dance styles in the entire India.  The dance is accompanied by the classical Carnatic music. It has its inspirations from the sculptures of the ancient temple of Chidambaram.

[Images are fetched from web]